حل المسائل البرمجية للغة Ruby بموقع hackerrank , تعتبر لغة البرمجة Ruby مميزة لإنشاء تطبيقات سطح المكتب والمواقع الثابتة وخدمات معالجة البيانات وحتى أدوات التشغيل الآلي.
- للتسجيل بموقع هكررانك hackerrank قم بالاطلاع على هذه المقالة : شرح موقع hackerrank
- رابط المسائل الخاصة بلغة Ruby على موقع hackerrank : أضغط هنا
1 – Ruby Tutorial – Hello HackerRank!
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT print "Hello HackerRank!!"
2 – Ruby Tutorial – Everything is an Object
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT print self
3 – Ruby Tutorial – Object Method Parameters
# write your code here a.range?(b, c)
4 – Ruby Tutorial – Object Methods
# add your code here number.even?
5 – Ruby Hash – Initialization
# Initialize 3 variables here as explained in the problem statement empty_hash=Hash.new default_hash=Hash.new(1) hackerrank={"simmy" => 100, "vivmbbs" => 200}
6 – Ruby Hash – Each
def iter_hash(hash) # your code here hash.each do |key, value| puts key puts value end end
7 – Ruby Hash – Addition, Deletion, Selection
# Enter your code here. hackerrank.store(543121, 100) hackerrank.keep_if { |key, value| key.is_a?(Integer) } hackerrank.delete_if { |key, value| key % 2 == 0 }
8 – Closures
def block_message_printer message = "Welcome to Block Message Printer" if block_given? yield end puts "But in this function/method message is :: #{message}" end message = gets block_message_printer { puts "This message remembers message :: #{message}" } ##################################################################################### def proc_message_printer(my_proc) message = "Welcome to Proc Message Printer" my_proc.call #Call my_proc puts "But in this function/method message is :: #{message}" end my_proc = proc { puts "This message remembers message :: #{message}" } proc_message_printer(my_proc) ###################################################################################### def lambda_message_printer(my_lambda) message = "Welcome to Lambda Message Printer" my_lambda[] #Call my_lambda puts "But in this function/method message is :: #{message}" end my_lambda = -> { puts "This message remembers message :: #{message}" } lambda_message_printer(my_lambda) ######################################################################################
9 – Partial Applications
combination = -> (n) do -> (r) do # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combination (n-r+1..n).inject(:*) / (1..r).inject(:*) end end n = gets.to_i r = gets.to_i nCr = combination.(n) puts nCr.(r)
10 – Currying
power_function = -> (x, z) { (x) ** z } base = gets.to_i raise_to_power = power_function.curry.(base) power = gets.to_i puts raise_to_power.(power)
11 – Lazy Evaluation
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT require 'prime' require 'prime' primes = [] puts "[#{Prime.each.lazy.select{|x| x.to_s == x.to_s.reverse}.first(gets.to_i).join(", ")}]"
12 – Procs
def square_of_sum (my_array, proc_square, proc_sum) sum = proc_sum.call(my_array) proc_square.call(sum) end proc_square_number = proc { |x| x**2 } proc_sum_array = proc { |n| n.reduce(:+) } my_array = gets.split().map(&:to_i) puts square_of_sum(my_array, proc_square_number, proc_sum_array)
13 – Lambdas
# Write a lambda which takes an integer and square it square = -> (x) { x**2 } # Write a lambda which takes an integer and increment it by 1 plus_one = -> (x) { x + 1 } # Write a lambda which takes an integer and multiply it by 2 into_2 = -> (x) {2*x} # Write a lambda which takes two integers and adds them adder = -> (a,b) {a + b} # Write a lambda which takes a hash and returns an array of hash values values_only = -> (h) { h.values } input_number_1 = gets.to_i input_number_2 = gets.to_i input_hash = eval(gets) a = square.(input_number_1); b = plus_one.(input_number_2);c = into_2.(input_number_1); d = adder.(input_number_1, input_number_2);e = values_only.(input_hash) p a; p b; p c; p d; p e
14 – Ruby Enumerables: ‘any’, ‘all’, ‘none’, and ‘find’
def func_any(hash) # Check and return true if any key object within the hash is of the type Integer # If not found, return false. return hash.any? { |key, value| key.is_a?(Integer) } end def func_all(hash) # Check and return true if all the values within the hash are Integers and are < 10 # If not all values satisfy this, return false. return hash.all? { |key, value| value.is_a?(Integer) && value < 10} end def func_none(hash) # Check and return true if none of the values within the hash are nil # If any value contains nil, return false. return hash.none? { |key, value| value.nil? } end def func_find(hash) # Check and return the first object that satisfies either of the following properties: # 1. There is a [key, value] pair where the key and value are both Integers and the value is < 20 # 2. There is a [key, value] pair where the key and value are both Strings and the value starts with `a`. hash.find { |key, value| (key.is_a?(Integer) && value.is_a?(Integer) && value < 20) || (key.is_a?(String) && value.is_a?(String) && value.start_with?("a")) } end
15 – Ruby – Enumerable – group_by
def group_by_marks(marks, pass_marks) # your code here marks.group_by { |student, mark| mark >= pass_marks ? "Passed" : "Failed" } end
16 – Ruby – Strings – Encoding
# Enter your code here. def transcode(my_string) my_string.force_encoding("utf-8") end
17 – Ruby – Strings – Indexing
def serial_average(string_values) values = string_values.split('-') prefix = values[0] average = (values[1].to_f + values[2].to_f) / 2 formatted_average = format("%.2f", average.round(2)) new_string = prefix + "-" + formatted_average end
18 – Ruby – Strings – Iteration
# Your code here def count_multibyte_char(str) char_count = 0 str.each_char do |character| char_count += 1 if character.bytesize > 1 end return char_count end
19 – Ruby Control Structures – Each
def scoring(array) # iterate through each of the element in array using *each* and call update_score on array.each do |user| user.update_score end end
20 – Ruby Control Structures – Unless
def scoring(array) # update_score of every user in the array unless the user is admin array.each do |user| user.update_score unless user.is_admin? end end
21 – Ruby Control Structures – Infinite Loop
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT loop do coder.practice if coder.oh_one? break end end
22 – Ruby Control Structures – Until
# Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT coder.practice until coder.oh_one?
23 – Ruby Control Structures – Case (Bonus Question)
def identify_class(obj) # write your case control structure here case obj.class.to_s when "Hacker" puts "It's a Hacker!" when "Submission" puts "It's a Submission!" when "TestCase" puts "It's a TestCase!" when "Contest" puts "It's a Contest!" else puts "It's an unknown model" end end
24 – Blocks
def factorial yield end n = gets.to_i factorial do puts (1..n).inject(:*) end
25 – Ruby – Strings – Methods I
def process_text(array) array.map {|string| string.strip}.join(" ") end
26 – Ruby – Strings – Methods II
def mask_article(text, words_array) words_array.each { |word| text.gsub!(word, strike(word)) } return text end def strike s "<strike>#{s}</strike>" end
27 – Ruby Array – Index, Part 2
def neg_pos(arr, index) # return the element of the array at the position `index` from the end of the list # Clue : arr[-index] return arr[-index] end def first_element(arr) # return the first element of the array return arr.first end def last_element(arr) # return the last element of the array return arr.last end def first_n(arr, n) # return the first n elements of the array return arr.take(n) end def drop_n(arr, n) # drop the first n elements of the array and return the rest return arr.drop(n) end
28 – Ruby Array – Addition
def end_arr_add(arr, element) # Add `element` to the end of the Array variable `arr` and return `arr` return arr.push(element) end def begin_arr_add(arr, element) # Add `element` to the beginning of the Array variable `arr` and return `arr` return arr.unshift(element) end def index_arr_add(arr, index, element) # Add `element` at position `index` to the Array variable `arr` and return `arr` return arr.insert(index, element) end def index_arr_multiple_add(arr, index) # add any two elements to the arr at the index return arr.insert(index, 10, 11) end
29 – Ruby Array – Deletion
def end_arr_delete(arr) # delete the element from the end of the array and return the deleted element return arr.pop end def start_arr_delete(arr) # delete the element at the beginning of the array and return the deleted element return arr.shift end def delete_at_arr(arr, index) # delete the element at the position #index arr.delete_at(index) end def delete_all(arr, val) # delete all the elements of the array where element = val arr.delete(val) end
30 – Ruby Array – Initialization
# Initialize 3 variables here as explained in the problem statement array = Array.new() array_1 = Array.new(1) array_2 = Array.new(2, 10)
31 – Ruby Array – Index, Part 1
def element_at(arr, index) # return the element of the Array variable `arr` at the position `index` # arr.at(index) # or # arr[index] return arr[index] end def inclusive_range(arr, start_pos, end_pos) # return the elements of the Array variable `arr` between the start_pos and end_pos (both inclusive) return arr[start_pos..end_pos] end def non_inclusive_range(arr, start_pos, end_pos) # return the elements of the Array variable `arr`, start_pos inclusive and end_pos exclusive return arr[start_pos...end_pos] end def start_and_length(arr, start_pos, length) # return `length` elements of the Array variable `arr` starting from `start_pos` return arr[start_pos, length] end
32 – Ruby Array – Selection
def select_arr(arr) # select and return all odd numbers from the Array variable `arr` return arr.select {|a| a % 2 != 0} end def reject_arr(arr) # reject all elements which are divisible by 3 arr.reject {|a| a % 3 == 0} end def delete_arr(arr) # delete all negative elements arr.reject {|a| a < 0} end def keep_arr(arr) # keep all non negative elements ( >= 0) arr.select {|a| a >= 0} end
33 – Ruby – Methods – Arguments
# Your code here def take(arr, start=1) return arr[start..-1] end
34 – Ruby – Methods – Variable Arguments
# Your code here def full_name(first_name, *middle_names, last_name) full_name = '' full_name += first_name middle_names.each do |name| full_name += " " full_name += name end full_name += " " full_name += last_name end
35 – Ruby – Methods – Keyword Arguments
def convert_temp(temp, input_scale: , output_scale: 'celsius') return temp if input_scale == output_scale #Convert everything to Celsius case input_scale when "kelvin" temp = temp - 273.15 when "fahrenheit" temp = (temp-32) * (5.0/9.0) end case output_scale when "celsius" return temp when "fahrenheit" return temp * (9.0/5.0) + 32 when "kelvin" return temp + 273.15 end end
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